This simple technique can help you find those answers that are in your own mind but which you cannot locate.
Have you ever imagined the possibility that you know absolutely all that there is to know, but you have forgotten it? Have you had the feeling that reason is not the adequate vehicle for reaching certain fundamental answers?
There is a theory of knowledge that postulates the act of knowing as a labor that essentially consists of remembering. One of its main exponents was Plato, who in one of his dialogs, Meno, puts forward the theory of reminiscence, according to which, humans recognize by remembering that which they once knew when they inhabited the world of ideas and then forgot when they incarnated in a physical body.
But if in reality we know everything and that knowledge is simply asleep, the big question is, how do we wake it up? How do we distill those answers that we so long for and make them sprout among the pastures of our mind?
Intuition is the ideal vehicle for crossing the rational matter and reaching, for example, the answers that are keeping thought captive. The lightness of that act, intuition, reduces the density that the mind is accustomed to, and it is perhaps this that allows it to trawl with success.
So, starting from the assumption that we have all the answers, even though they are all asleep, and that a way to ‘wake them up’ is through intuition, the next step is to find a method that allows us to engage in a dialog with that intuitive knowledge. And this is where the brilliant Dale Bartholomew Cooper, an FBI special agent who was commissioned to investigate the cruel murder in the town of Twin Peaks, provides us with a very accessible method.
As agent Cooper explains to his colleagues in a memorable scene from Episode 2 of the series, this intuitive tool came to him in a dream. It is a “deductive technique that involves mind-body coordination, operating on a par with deep levels of intuition.
Here is the procedure:
1. Place a can a considerable distance away (about 45-60 feet).
2. Think about all the possible answers to your question (rule out the infinite, just consider the most relevant).
3. Gather as many stones as probable answers to your question.
4. Think about the first one of the answers, say it out loud and throw a stone (always trying to hit your target).
5. Continue the exercise with the rest of the answers until you manage to knock over the can.
6. The answer in turn at the moment you achieve this is the one your intuition suggests to you (based on an equation between your mind and your psychomotor system).