Does Tony Finau have any children? What are the names of Tony Finau's children? What are the ages of Tony Finau's children?
Tony Finau Children: 5
How old is Tony Finau? When is Tony Finau's birthday? Where is Tony Finau born? Where did Tony Finau grow up from? What's Tony Finau's age?
Tony Finau Born: 1989 (age 33years), Salt Lake City, UT
Is Tony Finau married? When did Tony Finau get married? Who's Tony Finau's married to? (Who's Tony Finau's husband / wife)?
Tony Finau Spouse: Alayna Finau
How about Tony Finau's parents?
Tony Finau Parents: Kelepi Finau, Ravena Finau
How about Tony Finau's sibling?
Tony Finau Sibling: Gipper Finau
How about Tony Finau's nationality?
Tony Finau Nationality: American
How tall is Tony Finau in meters or centimeters?
Tony Finau Height: 6 4
What ethnicity is Tony Finau?
Now that I've won there, I'm sure we will be there for many years to come." In the year since that 3M Open win, Finau's wife and children have been featured in Netflix's "Full Swing" documentary. "My family loves Minnesota, I have family here," Finau said. "It just made it more special my family was there.
Does Tony Finau have more than one wife?
Now that I've won there, I'm sure we will be there for many years to come." In the year since that 3M Open win, Finau's wife and children have been featured in Netflix's "Full Swing" documentary. "My family loves Minnesota, I have family here," Finau said. "It just made it more special my family was there.
How much money has Tony Finau won?
Now that I've won there, I'm sure we will be there for many years to come." In the year since that 3M Open win, Finau's wife and children have been featured in Netflix's "Full Swing" documentary. "My family loves Minnesota, I have family here," Finau said. "It just made it more special my family was there.
Does Tony Finau have family in Minnesota?
Now that I've won there, I'm sure we will be there for many years to come." In the year since that 3M Open win, Finau's wife and children have been featured in Netflix's "Full Swing" documentary. "My family loves Minnesota, I have family here," Finau said. "It just made it more special my family was there.