D&D 5E - Does lightening bolt spell cause extra damage to sea creatures in water?

July 2024 · 1 minute read
The exact situation is that in my Dungeon of the Mad Mage game, my players come across a coven of sea hags in an underground cavern...

...and so we’re rolling initiative next weekend for battle. And they’re already discussing tactics which is cool...but one player wants to cast lightening bolt into the river, and I’m pretty sure they think that the electricity will cause damage to the hags even if they succeed in their saving throw or that the damage will be amplified because they’re in water?!

is this a thing? (I’m not much of an electrician here)...

Has anyone come across this? I especially want to hear from any Saltmarsh DMs with all that water in that setting...

And if it doesn’t work, for whatever reason, is there a way I can ‘rule of cool’ reward the player for creativity without going overboard?!
